A beautiful sunset at Paine’s Creek in Brewster, MA
With a prime location right on Cape Cod Bay, the Cape Cod town of Brewster is the perfect place to catch a sunset any time of the year. Many times over breakfast, we ooh and aaah over the photos taken by our guests from the previous evening’s sunset. Many explain, they simply couldn’t stop taking pictures – every moment during the sunset was different from the last! Thank goodness for digital cameras!
We picked our three favorite places to watch the sun set in Brewster. Wherever you choose, we can promise you won’t be disappointed! And note that a sunset at low tide is especially spectacular because of our Brewster Flats phenomenon!
Paine’s Creek
Paine’s Creek is the closest beach to the Inn, and is one of the most beautiful beaches on Cape Cod. Water from Cape Cod Bay rushes in and out of the marsh through Paine’s Creek, giving the beach a unique aesthetic that is perfect for sunset photos. Be sure to swing by Kate’s Seafood for dinner or an ice cream before heading back to Brewster by the Sea Inn!
Wing Island
Located just a short walk from the Inn, Wing Island is an amazing spot to watch the sun set on Cape Cod. The island is positioned in the middle of the marsh and is only accessible during low tide via an un-elevated wooden boardwalk. The trail starts just west of the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. When low tide occurs later in the day, walk the planks out to the island and enjoy a peaceful sunset secluded from the busy bayside beaches.
Crosby Landing Beach
Crosby Landing is one of the most popular beaches in Brewster and offers one of the most magnificent sunsets you’ll see on the Cape. The sun reflects off the Brewster flats when low tide falls later in the evening, meaning you’ll get a photo of a lifetime.